Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Social Media Parenting Lie.

We have all seen it. The walls of Facebook posts of new moms, and even moms
of multiples parading around acting like being a mom is butterflies and rainbows.
Their precious little angels poop glitter and are well behaved puppets 24/7.
Bed time is always a breeze, they always use their manners and never get annoying ever!

Stop Lying you bitches!
Just Stop.

Lets cut the bullshit here. We all know damn well that although we love our kids
to the moon and back, they are for the most part selfish, inconsiderate demon spawns.
We know it, you know it so lets get real. Why do we feel this need to paint this perfect
picture of how parenting is? Do you get some sick joy from narrating your life as if you are living in
a Stepford world? Do you honestly expect us to believe that your family is stepping out of an episode of 'Leave It To Beaver'? Step away from the keyboard you June Cleaver wanna-be!

As moms we need to be able to feel like its okay to be frustrated! Its totally cool that sometimes we sit down and cry into the load of laundry we are currently folding. Lets bring some normalcy to the idea that sometimes when we stand  in the middle of the living room and look around at the mountains of messes as our kids zoom around as if this was a roller derby  that we think, "Holy fuck, what is my life about? Who the fuck convinced me this would be a good idea?" Sure we always love them, even when they dump 16 bottles of water out on the kitchen floor while mommy takes a crap. MM's little one is guilty of this one. Or when they throw a bitch fit over wearing a hat because they don't want their curls to get flattened. SM, knows about this one. We love them and all the wonderful things they do.And we thank god they are so damn cute sometimes. Cherish the moments when we see the glimmer of hope that we aren't raising a pack of little douches, but lets not lie that sometimes we wonder...

We are all sleep deprived, overwhelmed and flat out cranky sometimes. Some days start out perfect, your little one is behaving and using manners... until an invisible hurricane goes through your clean house, a child is screaming about being hungry after you just spent an hour making from scratch blueberry pancakes, and for whatever reason the laundry went and made babies overnight. It sucks. It's worth it at the end of the day (somehow?) but it's only until your demon has a peaceful sleeping face that you can breath anything except fire.

And that's okay. Tomorrow is a brand new day. You get a redo, but it's likely to be the same bullshit all over again.

Wake up the next morning, throw your kid a pop-tart and a cheese stick on a paper plate and get off the perfect train. It's ultimately taking you to your death. Your over-tired, coffee saturated, my life fucking sucks death. If your child is happy, healthy, and alive at the end of the night then you're doing just fine--great, actually. You're doing great. Your child is alive one more day.

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