Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Magic MOMents.

We named this post magic moments because it sounds better then "How to fuck with your kids, why pranking children is hilarious." One of the biggest joys we have been able to achieve as a parent, besides seeing them learn manner and values, is pranking our children. We live for it. And for good reason, they are so damn gullible and so quick to throw their playmates under the hypothetical bus. Today we decided we were going to convince them to believe that their toys come alive and make messes. We sent the kids outside to play, pealed a pomegranate and told them after we played for a while we would have it for a snack, Q single mommy to pop popcorn and arrange the toys, making a mess, getting into the food, while married mom went outside to entertain them. When we all came in we confronted the children about making the mess. This is where our acting skills come in. We were serious business with serious faces. While SM grilled the kids MM snuck off into the bathroom and made another toy mess. The reaction of our kids was priceless, it was a mix of confusion, bewilderment and blaming the other one.When that didn't work and time outs were threatened we discovered that children will lie and admit guilt to make you shut the fuck up. "We did it together!" was the verdict the oldest informed us with. Even when we went to put them in time out they just sat down and didn't care. At first we thought our plan backfired, until one of the kids decided that it must be magic and the toys moved on their own. This prank will be continued more tests our needed. Pranking kids is important because it keep their imagination on its toes, we want our kids to still find wonder in the world. Its important for parents too because it gives us a chance to study their lying faces. Till next time...

-Married Mom.

Edited after post: Informed the manchild, he was unimpressed and emotionless. Typical.

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